Lions Clubs International ( District 321 F ) is an NGO that has come up with a new mobile application that seeks to bring the lion members of Disttict 321 F together, on a single platform.
Our mobile application for lion members - lionsdistrict321f App – enhances involvement of lions through simplified communication and transactions to make the job of the District Governor (the leader of District 321 F) easier. His office can send communication in a paperless manner and assign service projects to be the Clubs which they are supposed to undertake in the interest of the underprivileged and the society at large .
This mobile application benefits the service organisation to
- send communication to all the lions of the district
- send Updates on service projects undertaken by the district .
- sharing goals and targets of the service projects to be achieved by the clubs on regular basis .
- Online Payment of District Dues
- Easy access to the information of lions of the district ( around 5000 lion members in around 160 clubs under District 321F )